2010년 12월 11일 토요일

week12 reflection

This week was very special becuase I had my demonstrate teaching. Angela and I prepared a lotand to be honest with you, we worried so much. As group 3, we wanted to teach a lot in 25 minutesand for that we prepared a lot of activity. The sad thing is that we couldn't prepare well asmuch as we prepared. We practiced so hardly but both of us so nervious on the stage, so we feltsense of frustration. However, we weren't that bad. We probably put more lesson and be carefulto arrage the order of lesson. But i guess, the student's enjoyed our lesosn and i was happythat at least they learned something from us. Through this demo teaching, I learned many things.I should prepare much more than I do and I never should nervious when I teach. If I'm nerviouswhen I teach, I can't show 100 percent what I prepared and students can feel that I'm nerviousso they easily lose their focusness. This task was very helpful. Thank you

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