In this week, I’ve learned how frameworks for teaching the subject matter areas (of English, Math, Science, Social Studies) are constructed. Actually before I did the first activity for this week, I didn’t know we have those programs as CBI, PTCLA, CALLA and so on and so far in education in English. Not only that but also, I’ve learned that the components of learning includes viewing in 21st century. I only thought reading, speaking, writing and listening are the components of learning, but it wasn’t. Since I’m 21st century learner, and also as a future educator, I need to apply viewing in my study so that I could learn efficiently and I can teach well in the future. Also I could know that why the professors prepared those power point presentations. They are using 21st century methods.
When I did the activity one, our group had hard time to create our own group diagram. Before we made it, we should exactly know what the programs are. Honestly, the sample that sir showed us is little bit complicated and hard to understand but using the diagram we created, I could understand better and while making the diagram, it was easy to understand.
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