2010년 12월 11일 토요일
week13 reflection
This week was our last week for demonstrate teaching. This time, I was the student and I had fun. I tried to participate on the class very much becuase I know the feeling if nobody participate on my class. The first class was about research. Actually I don't have good perception on this subjectbecause I got low grade on my Engles. But, Teacher Mel, explained very well so I could easiy understand what is research and how we work for it. I liked the the other lessons, too. I learned aboutpoem which is about suffering. Through the poem I could find out the different meaning ofsuffering. I had great time.
week12 reflection

This week was very special becuase I had my demonstrate teaching. Angela and I prepared a lotand to be honest with you, we worried so much. As group 3, we wanted to teach a lot in 25 minutesand for that we prepared a lot of activity. The sad thing is that we couldn't prepare well asmuch as we prepared. We practiced so hardly but both of us so nervious on the stage, so we feltsense of frustration. However, we weren't that bad. We probably put more lesson and be carefulto arrage the order of lesson. But i guess, the student's enjoyed our lesosn and i was happythat at least they learned something from us. Through this demo teaching, I learned many things.I should prepare much more than I do and I never should nervious when I teach. If I'm nerviouswhen I teach, I can't show 100 percent what I prepared and students can feel that I'm nerviousso they easily lose their focusness. This task was very helpful. Thank you
week11 reflection
From this week, the demonstrate teaching was started. For this time, I was the evaluator. The first group was Lisa and Gen's group. I liked their demo teaching because they used Avatarwhich get student's attention very well and not only that but also, the class was really integrationof subjects. It seems like they take just art but they also did activity, debate which is part of speaking so that students could have learned with good topic. Also i liked their theme. The theme was to protect his world. The topic theme was the serious problem for the modern peopleand since we are teaching future people, the topic should be taught to students. The secondgroup taught PE. They brought basket balls to show how we practice it and they explained very well.They used both lecture and practice which I could variety of methods. The last group was very inpressive.First, they tried teach a lot and they really did. Even though we got only 25 minutes, they taught a lot of math. Second,they prepared colorful materials for the lesson. I guess if theyweren't shy, they would present perfect demo teaching.
week10 reflection
In this week, we didn't have class. Instead of having class, we got to make lesson plan forour 25 minutes demonstrate teaching. To make lesson plan for 25 minutes wasn't easy because25 minutes is so ambiguous. It is too short to teach formal lesson with activities or it isto long to learn simple topic. Angela (my partner) and I really tried to hard to make lesson plan which we can teach effectively and a lot in 25 minutes. I hope we could teach very wellas our lesson plan.
week9 reflection
On the first meeting of this week, we gotta make our rubric for demonstrate teaching.At firts, I thought making rubric is a quite easy work, but it was wrong. It seem simpleand looks easy to make but there are a lot that we need to consider like vision mission andthe other stuff. First work that Angela (my partner) and i made was totally wrong becausethe rubric was focussed on the lecture not our demonstrate teaching. I made rubric for howmy lesson organized. So Angela and I should make new rubric. It was tiring but we tried hard to create right and better rubric than others. To do this, we gotta search a lotand though this, I could see many other examples of rubric and got close to discriminatewhich rubric is nice and bad. On the second meeting of this week, we checked our schedule for demonstrate teaching.Fortunately, I wasn't the first day presentator. For the whole class, we got to evaluate the others'rubric and if there is something to fix, we need to comments on their rubric. The others didsame thing to our rubric. This was good activity because through checking others' rubric, weknew what we should fix for our rubric. The activity is really cool and i learned a lot from this.
2010년 11월 4일 목요일
week8 reflection
For a long time, I didn't have PTEACH2 class and finally i had pteach2 class this week. That was good to see sir, Jasper. :) For this week, I and my classmates had seminar on teaching physical education with speaker, Heinz Elorde. He is teaching physical education in De Lasalle Jobel. The first perception that I had when I see Sir, Heinz was innocent and he looks like to have clean mind. I think my first perception right pointed out. He loves childeren and he knows how to handle the children. Not only children he teaches High school students. Through his seminar, I could know Physical education can also use technology in learning. When we thinkg of PE, it's the subject which we practice and move. It makes us think that in PE, we don't usually lecture and doesn't use teaching strategies. However, it's not correct. In teaching Physical Education, there are a lot of teaching stategies and the most good strategies for 21st century learners is film viewing. When Sir, Heinz discussed the seminar, he also used power point presentation and film viewing. Before we practice PE, it's good to have film viewing so that students are motivated and they get inerest on that sport. It was really good time to have that seminar and i felt sad since he is the last speaker. If there is a chance, I would like to have more spearkers.
week 6 reflection
This Friday, I had seminar which is under by Mr. Roy Aldrin Villegas. To be honest with you, before I attend the seminar, I was agonizing over to take the seminar or not, because the topic was science which is not really related to my major. However, my perception has totally changed after taking the seminar. Even though the seminar was all about science, there are lectures that can be used in my teaching and major. I learned many things especially when he discussed the responsibility. He said if the students fail, it means the teacher is also failed. I totally agree with this. If the teacher has developed curriculum and lesson planning, automatically she will give better education and it means, students are educated well. Other side, if the teacher has poor lesson planning and teaching strategies, learners can’t learn even though they have desire to learn. I will try to be better teacher who has good responsibility and make students succeed.
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